Perhaps the phrase “good for body and soul” is best to describe the treatment I got from the male escort I booked on my last trip to Cheshire. I had heard from a friend who told me “I had the best time of my life with Cheshire male escorts.”
Her tales of where they went, and how things went, in general, had pricked my interest, and since I was planning a vacation soon, I decided to book a visit to Cheshire. I got the contact details from my friend who told me she had booked from The Male Escort Agency. I did likewise and booked my own special male escort in Cheshire. And that was only the beginning…
I absolutely had a great time with my Cheshire male escort, and he represents exactly what I want in a man; make me happy by doing the simple things right. And since I wasn’t dating at the moment, it felt right to have a companion on the trip; “It adds an extra layer of fun to the trip”, I concluded. I was so looking forward to the trip; fuelled by the quite exhilarating reviews from my friend.
I couldn’t help it as my imagination was almost on auto-run, at some point, I feared an anti-climatic experience, and where what will eventually happen will turn out underwhelming. Thankfully, my fears were put to rest by the awesome Cheshire male escort I booked.
Cheshire is one of those serene, tranquil and pristine places filled with the charming, enchanting, and rich dose of warmth. Those words could also be used to describe the male escort I booked; he was tall, his eyes could pierce through you like the hot knife through butter, and what hit the ball out of the park for me was his local knowledge. I mean, he made the whole vacation better; I had extra places to visit apart from the itinerary I had made before coming, and his knowledge of where to have fun was also helpful.
Throughout my stay, we had loads of places to visit, and thankfully, I wasn’t alone; I had my Cheshire male escort with me all along. He never stopped to amaze me, always there to be the perfect partner for everything I needed. He was gentle, sweet, caring, helpful, and observant while retaining his manly instincts to be dominating when the need called for it. He had a knack for looking straight into my eyes as I talked, which initially made me feel uncomfortable though, but I got over it and began to enjoy his piercing look.
Leaving Cheshire, and ending the vacation was very difficult to do. I could almost feel the awesome experience I had holding me back; I mean, my body and soul can testify, but I had to go. A vacation that I already had high expectation for, turned out to exceed my expectations, and this was because I chose right with my Cheshire male escorts.