A massage which goes further than touch and stimulates all of the five senses will truly delight your partner’s body and mind, and hopefully yours too. A five sense massage communicates on multiple levels that you nurture and cherish your partner, it will ease their stress, foster trust between you and enhance your physical connection. We will guide you through some simple steps to delivering an enchanting massage that will simultaneously engage your partner’s sense of touch, taste, smell, sight and sound.
Touch: Focus on fluid, massaging movements across your partner’s muscles in their back, shoulders and stomach, but avoid prodding and poking actions. A sure-fire way to give your partner an electrifying experience just with your touch is to massage their head – where lots of the body’s nerve receptors are located. Don’t be afraid to scratch your partner’s scalp, rub their temples and playfully pull their hair.
Taste The massage experience is as much about indulgence as it is relaxation. With this in mind, consider incorporating edible massage products into your repertoire, or alternatively offer your partner chocolate strawberries or their favourite tipple at intervals during the massage. Food and drink probably shouldn’t become the main attraction during the massage but an added and unexpected accompaniment.
Smell : Scented massage oil that isn’t too floral or overpowering will do wonders for the ambience you are creating through your five sense massage. The massage oil will help your hands to glide over your partner’s body and release an exotic fragrance at the same time. Another option is to light a scented candle, helping to heighten the sense of romance in the room.
Sight: Try not to overlook the setup and appearance of your massage room as this may be the first thing your male or female partner’s massage massage notices. Ensure that the room is clean, that clutter is moved out of the line of sight and lighting is dimmed. The way you look and move will also engage your partner’s senses, but don’t put too much pressure on yourself here, be confident and show that you are enjoying it as much as they are.
Sound: Playing soft, relaxing music will really take your massage experience to the next level. Consider the choice of music so it is something you will both relish listening to. Remember, this is a joint experience and your contentment is as important as your partner’s. Another key component for a good massage is communication. Be sure to speak to your partner and ask ‘how does this feel?’ and adjust your technique and the pressure you apply according to your partner’s preferences. With each of the five senses incorporated into the massage you give your partner, the experience will no doubt be an unforgettable experience for the both of you.
Another key component for a good massage is communication. Be sure to speak to your partner and ask ‘how does this feel?’ and adjust your technique and the pressure you apply according to your partner’s preferences. With each of the five senses incorporated into the massage you give your partner, the experience will no doubt be an unforgettable experience for the both of you.