“When you go black, you never go back.” I heard this from a friend some time ago, and I have been reeling in laughter. I couldn’t explain what that statement really meant up until I mingled with black male escorts. Those guys are simply great, and they have redefined the standards of the escort industry.
I got jealous when other girls flocked around him because I really wanted him for myself. Even when we graduated and parted ways, I still thought of him once in a while. If only I knew where he is now, I am certain I would have started something serious with him.
When I discovered that the escort agency I used frequently had introduced a section for black male escorts, I was overjoyed because I have always had this weird desire of being intimate with a black. it is a type of longing that cannot be explained with words. The kind of longing that causes your heart to beat faster when the person is around. It is a type of longing that mixes fear with excitement.
I knew I wanted to hire black male escorts but each time I was with my laptop and about to make a hire, my heart will begin to race, and I would chicken out. If there was a price set aside for the first person to hire black male escorts, I would have sworn that I wanted it. But my heart was failing me. I didn’t know why.
It was a Friday evening and I had just returned from the office exhausted. You know that kind of exhaustion that makes you slump into your seat like your feet can no longer carry your weight? I really needed to wind down and the stress off my bone. For a long time, my best way of relaxing has always been spending time with escorts. When I picked my laptop from the table and flipped it open, I went to the black male escorts and without pausing to think, I clicked the hire button.
When he arrived a few hours later, I had already taken my bath and climbed on my bed waiting patiently for the hand of sleep to steal me away. My heart started to race again when I heard my doorbell. I could almost swear that it was my escort without going to the door. Although I often get visitors until very late in the night, that particular day I was certain no one was coming to visit me except the escort I hired.
On opening the door, he introduced himself and gave me his hand. My legs wobbled. I reached out and place my weak hand in his palm. He held my hand and turned it around and kissed the back of my hand. I was speechless. I don’t know if it was out of courtesy or he actually noticed my wobbly feet. He lifted me off the ground like a weightless log and took me to the bed.
He lay me on my back then in a romantic way, turned me over an began to massage my back. He must have sensed how tired I was and acted accordingly. I guess if it was the white male escorts they would have come expecting that we go to have fun someplace.
Male escorts are generally selfless, putting your happiness over theirs but from my previous experiences, black male escorts are more so than white male escorts. I forgot to add that after he gave me a massage until I felt a little better, he left me and went to the kitchen and cooked up dinner.
We chatted about a lot of things. I was amazed by his vast wealth of knowledge. He could say something about nearly any topic. There was so much to learn about him. He reminded me of the black guy in my class during my school days, the guy that I told you that I always wished that we dated. He was also pretty smart.
I am the kind of girl that gets excited about intellectual matters. Having him around was exciting I wished he could stay forever. Finally, I had that intimacy with a black dude I have always dreamed about. Even though it was transient, it was fulfilling. I would definitely hire more black male escorts in the coming days.