International male escorts can travel for free

male escortsI learned from a wise man that anything that takes the most of your income or time should be your next potential money spinner. Many people are poor today because they are consumers rather than producers or service providers. The moment this realization came to me, I decided to turn my luxury travels into a source of income by joining international male escorts. What we do is nothing really different from what the local escorts do. The only difference is that we travel to very far countries while the local escorts sometimes operate only in their neighbourhood while others may venture farther than that but within the boundary of their state or country.

Many of my local escort friends are scared of becoming international male escorts because according to them the risk is too much. One of my friends said that if he ran into trouble in his home country, then he knows where to run to for help but in a strange land you are almost as good as toast. Well, life follows a general principle; the higher the risk, the higher the reward. Looking at it critically, I doubt if there is anything in life that does not involve some level of risk – if there is, please comment on this post. Let me give you a hint to what used to happen when I was a luxury traveller. I spent weeks planning for journeys. I paid the bills and went through the rigours of seeking for visa – if you have travelled internationally before you will need no further explanation. Then when I get to those countries, for lack of funds, I will go for less exotic and less expensive hotels – and I make such travels at least seven times in a year.

Since I joined international male escorts, I have clients who call me up and pay my bills to their county. I now have the luxury of spending not just a night but several of it in some of the best restaurants – you need to have one all-expense paid trip in your life. Since joining international male escorts about two years ago, I have never had a bad experience. All my clients have treated me like royalty. In fact, I have found that when people invite you over to their country, they are always very careful about your security and the treatment you get because they are aware that if anything should happen to you, they will be the first person to be held responsible. Therefore, your security becomes their priority. Obviously, the apprehension my friend had that made them not to go international is actually the other way round.

There is another category of international male escorts which encompasses those that travel from their countries to other countries to practice escorting. Countries like London where prostitution is allowed tend to have lots of them. This is expected because if you dig back to some of the countries those guys come from, you will discover that the environment is far from palatable for them.

Working international has given me the privilege to visit countries I never thought I would visit. For me, this is my greatest achievement because I naturally have a flair for travelling. In life, I think it is always important to have a focus so that you will know when you are hitting your goal and when you are going off course. Satisfaction comes from achieving a goal and when you have no goal, what do you hope to achieve?

I have made it my duty to try to encourage male escorts to go international since the local setting is getting saturated while there are lots of opportunities out there. Through my journeys across the globe, I have discovered that some countries are in dire need of male escorts but have none. There was a country I went to and my client had to fight off other potential clients who were clamouring to have a taste of male escort. In my country I am nobody but here I was a celebrity. The feeling alone is exhilarating and if you have never had it in your career then you are missing out big time – and I doubt if escorting would be saturated on an international level.

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