Male escort employment: My last hope

male escort employmentHi, I am Gabriel. My life now seems rosy and every teenager’s dream. I didn’t start here. I was once unemployed and rejected several times by employers until I found male escort employment. I moment I got into the escort industry I wished I had known it earlier. I seize every medium available now to tell young guys to explore the escort industry as an alternative to livelihood if their dream job is not forthcoming.

Like every fresh student out of the university, I had a dream that was larger than life. I had already laid out how I want my life to be in five years and the places I would love to visit. Whether that would happen was hinged on my ability to get a good job. The first year passed, I had nothing. Same with the second and the third. Then my dreams began to fade.

I became desperate and started doing any job I can lay my hands on; from making pizza deliveries today to acting as a tour guide the next day. All these gave me a lifeline. I got enough to pay my bills and feed but nothing more. After four years I had given up the possibility of becoming a millionaire before thirty.

As I walked home one evening after a stressful day, I discovered a flier on the wall. The designer was very smart because he/she used attractive colours that make them hard to miss. Normally I don’t read random posters from the wall, but that one was so inviting that I had to. The summary, there was opening for male escort employment, and they were looking for guys between the ages 20 and 28.

The age bracket excited me because I fell exactly in the middle. One half of me wanted me to ignore the poster, but the other half told me that there was nothing to lose. After a short battle with my inner self, I concluded that there was nothing to lose so I would give it a shot. I tore the poster from the wall as a reminder and went home.

On the stipulated date, I went to the venue and was surprised to find a kind of gathering I had never anticipated. The sight of the many young guys (I can guess that most of them were in their early twenties) that turned up for the male escort employment made me begin taking it seriously. The screening process didn’t last long, and we were all on our way home.

A few days later I got a mail that notified me that I had been selected. I was thrilled by the new and followed the instruction to the website where I was to create a profile. It was funny that I got male escort employment but up to the point when I created a profile I still had no clue as to what my job description was.

It was after creating the profile that I decided to explore the website and discovered what I have signed up for. Well, even when I found out what male escorting was, I was not surprised or alarmed because I was ready to take even the slimmest chance at a better life – once it didn’t involve committing a crime.

In a few weeks, I got my first client. She was also a young lady – although I cannot guess her age. I am not good at guessing the age of women. She was very happy to meet me, and I was pleased too. The irony was that my usual self was too shy or scared to approach a woman coupled with the fact that I was always scared of the financial involvement of such adventures. But here I was, paid by women to be their escort. Isn’t that an irony?

After that first client I got another and another and another then my finances changed, and I stopped living from hand to mouth to become self-sufficient. Gradually I began to rebuild my shattered dreams. That is how I became the sensation of young adults.

Sometimes I wish I had known about male escort employment earlier. But then I look back at those supposed wasted years and think of the ways they have made me better.