I was married for two years. For the first year of our marriage, we lived together as the kind of happy couple that every single person wishes to be. A year later, my husband got a job that meant he would have to move to a new city. I would have loved to move with him, but we didn’t yet have the funds for such, so he went alone with a promise of bringing me over as soon as it was convenient.
We kept in touch through calls and chats. I was not comfortable with long distance relationship at all. I am the kind of lady that loves to be cuddled every day and reassured of love. Staying without my husband was a difficult task. I guess it was the same for him.
Seven months at a stretch was too much for me to bear – and I am certain every other new couple would feel the same. With the money I had saved up, I decided to pay my husband a surprise visit. I didn’t tell him I was coming because I had the address and knew I would find my way to his house. I planned to call him when I get there and watch the surprise on his face when he eventually sees me.
On getting to his house, I discovered that someone was at home. I was relieved that I would not have to wait outside for God-knows-how-long for him to come home to open the door for me. I rang the doorbell and was shocked when a lady opened the door.
I began to wonder if I was in the right place or went to the wrong address but when I inquired from her, she confirmed the address.
“How did you know my boyfriend?” she said, baffled.
My eyes widened and my heart sunk when I looked closely and discovered that she had a baby bump.
“Is he the father of your child?” I asked.
She nodded, and I burst into tears. The lady was nice and tried to console me, but I was so bitter and didn’t want to be consoled. I returned to my city that day to continue with my grieving. She must have told my husband that I visited because he started calling and calling, but I refused to take his calls.
The truth was that I didn’t know what I would say if I took any of those calls. It was better that way. I moved out of the house and severed all communications with him and discarded anything that would remind me of him. I wanted to start a new life, but it was hard to move on. He was the only man I had known all my life.
One thing led to another, and I found male escorts, Glasgow. There is a saying that grief leads people to places they would naturally not go. That was true in my case. If anyone had told me that I would one day start to hire male escorts, Glasgow, I would have thought the person was insane or drunk.
The only thing I remember before the encounter with male escorts Glasgow was that I was so depressed that life meant nothing anymore. One hire after another and I started to get my life back. Gradually my social life began to light up again, and I started to think about my career once more.
Today, I am completely unaware of where my ex-husband is. I have his contact and know he would pick my call if ever I did – I sometimes the urge to call him – but I know it is best we stay this way. Mingling with male escorts Glasgow has thought me a lot about how men think and act. I am not considering getting married again anytime soon, but if I ever do, I will never let distance get in our way again.