Thank you for subscribing to The Male Escort Agency

We hope this is the beginning of a new and exciting career as one of our featured escorts!

What happens next?

Someone will be in touch via email in the next 24 hours.

You should usually receive this email within an hour of you signing up but on occasion (the middle of the night, for example!) please expect to find it when we are back in the office.

If you have not received your welcome pack please check your Junk/Spam folders before contacting us.

Attention Gmail users: Sometimes our emails end up in the Promotions category which isn’t always obvious when you usually check your mail. Use the Search in emails option at the top of the app, then click All mail.

Don’t forget…

As promised, you get the download of our eBook on male escorting. All you need to do is click below:

Download The Definitive Guide To Being A Male Escort

You can download the eBook as many times as you require, but we do ask you not to pass it on to anyone else. It is copyrighted and is only available to members of our agency.

You can always contact us if you have any issues or need advice. The quickest and easiest way to get in touch is via email: [email protected].

Thanks again for joining the agency we are so proud of! Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions you may have.

Best regards

Ian and the team