The ABC for new male escorts Number…1
Stepping into the unknown of the male escort business can be quite daunting and scary at times. You have all these questions and perhaps fears as well. Getting the right answers and directions can make or break your male escort career even before it has begun. The truth is, you are not alone. And because we really care about your success, we at The Male Escort agency have put together this, to help and provide answers to some questions. Hopefully, your fears would be allayed afterwards. Please read along.
A – Attracting Clients
Where do I find clients? How do I keep them? All these are some of the questions that new male escorts ask. And if I might add, are all legitimate questions. The male escort business is not a regular mainstream business and getting clients can be tough especially when starting out. That is why we preach here to join a good agency such as ours where there is a ready-made framework to cater and handle these problems.
B – Branding
Branding refers to your total image. How do you sell yourself? What photograph to use? What profile description works best? The answer is simple; it depends. This is not a classic case of one shoe fits all scenario rather, each case requires an experienced eye who knows what has worked in the past to help you tweak your profile and make a brand out of it. Matching your brand to your target market – something only years of hands-on experience can help solve. Again this is one of the benefits of working with an agency.
C – Coming out to friends
Whenever I am asked this question, my answer has always been to take it on a need to know basis. You don’t owe everybody an explanation except those whose relationship means the whole world to you. Again, a word of caution here; only if you feel it absolutely necessary. Moreover, most people will judge you anyways from their moral-high-ground. You hold the prerogative, use it wisely.
D – Dating
Perhaps the cliché eat your cake and have it applies here. While I don’t want to use my self as the perfect yardstick of what works and what doesn’t, I have found dating and working as a male escort not to work. This is from personal experience and that of others. But hey! If you think you can make it work, go for it, but don’t say I didn’t warn you.
E – Ending Escort Career
While some are wondering why the should one even think of ending when one has just started. Well like every professional footballer, there comes a time to “hang-up” your boots. This time, however, is relative and its decision is a personal choice. For some, they only want to be a male escort for a while and for some, they have to wait for a proverbial writing on the wall to spur them to retirement. No matter which side you find yourself, you can’t do this forever so it’s best to have a plan.
…to be continued in The ABC for new male escorts 2