Some guys are crazy. Others will pretend they love you when what they admire are your assets. Those set of guys are just as bad as those who come outright to smack your butt in public like a cheap whore. I had this bitter experience where a guy walked up to me and started using icebreakers like a teenager on his first high school date.
He sounded hilarious. Out of courtesy, I decided to smile instead of laughing out loud which would come out insulting. I guess he must have interpreted my smile to mean that I have interest in him. The moment I blinked away from him, he smacked my butt, and his hand was stretched to grope me.
I reacted impulsively and slapped him hard on his cheek. The scene attracted attention, and he fled. I bet I might not have been the first girl he tried to assault in public. There are many young ladies, especially the very pretty ones out there who go through similar incident every day of their lives. Some may decide to be silent about it; some will see the experience as an adventure while there are those who are desperately seeking a solution. I know all these categories of people do exist.
This problem began to reoccur, and I started to get worried. It might seem not much of a problem at the moment, but I knew it might one day lead to outright rape. It was more whenever I walked through a certain neighbourhood. In fact, it got to a point where I became tired of random men stopping me on the way to express their feelings. It was during my search for a way out of this mess that I discovered guy escorts.
Guy escorts are handsome young men who are ready to do your bidding like they were your boyfriends. I figured that I got less attention whenever I had a guy beside me. So, whenever I had anything to do in that neighbourhood, I made sure I didn’t go alone. I always hired guy escorts to tag along with me.
Besides weeding off the arrogant guys, I had someone I could talk and laugh with freely as I walked. It was exciting and romantic at the same time. Looking at the rippling chest and arms of the guy escorts I pick out, I always feel secure. I know huge muscles do not always translate to great strength, but it is only someone who is crazy enough that would try to find out the difference.
Hiring guy escorts did something for me. A good number of genuine guys who have been admiring from afar started to draw closer to me to express their intentions. I think seeing me with guy escorts made them feel threatened. Most of them knew I was single but were either too shy to talk to me or, maybe, though I didn’t want to have anything to do with guys.
The idea for most of them was to halt me so that I can consider them before it became too late. It was usually girls that stalk on guys to notice them, but in my case it was different. They were two of them. The stalked me and brought me numerous gifts on their visits.
I am forced to think that men feel proud when they work hard to get a girl. When they don’t, in most cases, they don’t value the relationship. I like to compare it to a football match, the thicker the contest, the more appreciated it is when you finally grab the price.
This was how I killed two birds with one stone, guy escorts. Young girls out there who are having similar problems can give my formula a chance. If it works for you, please do share your story for others to benefit from it.