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Male Escort Reviews

 by Flawlessjoan on The Male Escort Agency

Txt for a few months. Invited me to FL I went. Therapist need Therapy too. He was realistic and soft toned. I want to see him again. 3days not enough πŸ˜”πŸ˜‰πŸ™

 by Myra on The Male Escort Agency

You are the epitome of real, raw and awesome. Thanks for the best time in Chicago! Could you take me back 😭 now? I would love to see you again.

 by Sasha Rose on The Male Escort Agency

Absolutely divine time! We were finally able to connect at an upscale, safe & clean location. What a surprise when he opens the door. There was extremely handsome hunk that looked just like his pictures - which was refreshing. The time I had with him will not be long forgotten. With his soft touch and his muscular, well proportioned body I can’t wait to see him again for a multiple-hour visit. If you have a chance, run and schedule ASAP to have one of the most majestic times of your life. Thank you so much, Anthony!

 by Kevin on The Male Escort Agency

Kevin was a tall handsome man indicative of his pictures. We had a dinner date and had so much fun. He is funny, charming, and a good conversationalist. He left me so relaxed and at ease, a real pleasure.

 by Kevin on The Male Escort Agency

Kevin was a talk handsome man indicative of his pictures. We had a date night and had so much fun. He is funny, light hearted, and left me feeling relaxed, content, and at ease. A definite must see for me again!

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