Let’s get your subscription sorted

If you’re having trouble making a payment, don’t worry. There’s usually a pretty simple solution, and we’ve outlined the three most common problems below. Take a look through these, follow the instructions, and if you still have problems, drop us an email in the “Next Steps” section.

Common problem 1: An issue with 3D Secure Verification

The most common reason for payments not going through is that there is a problem with the 3D Secure Verification system. This is a legal requirement for certain online transactions across Europe, and is becoming increasingly common in the USA.

What is 3D Secure?

Examples of 3D Secure verification include “Visa Secure”, “Verified by Visa”, “Mastercard ID Check” or “Mastercard SecureCode”, that you may have seen when making other online purchases. This is where your bank asks you to do one of the following:

  • Enter digits from a secret PIN or password that you set up with them.
  • Enter a one time password (OTP) they send you via text message.
  • Authorise the transaction in the mobile banking app on your phone/tablet.

The problem with 3D Secure

Unfortunately, many email apps now contain their own “in-app” browsers or “mini-browsers” to open links you click from within emails.

Both the Gmail app and Apple’s built-in iOS Mail app  are known to use such mini-browsers.

In most cases this doesn’t cause a problem, however these in-app browsers aren’t always designed to handle the security measures banks require to ensure a safe transaction, meaning the payment process fails.

Unfortunately we cannot force your phone to open links in a full version of your browser (Chrome, Firefox, Safari etc.). But all is not lost:

The solution

The way around this is to copy the link we sent you back in your original acceptance email, then open your favourite browser, and paste that link into the address bar. This will ensure that you are using a full, secure browser that both your bank and our payment gateway will recognise and allow you to complete the 3D Secure verification process.

Common Problem 2: Incorrect Card Details

If you’re on this page, the chances are this isn’t the problem, but it’s always worth double-checking. If you’ve made a mistake entering your card details you’ll usually see an error from our payment provider – Nochex – to say this is the case.

To do: Re-enter your card details carefully

Common Problem 3: Your bank thinks it might not be you

Sometimes a bank will decline a transaction that it classes as unusual or that it suspects is fraudulent. This is particularly true when it comes to adult-oriented sites. If this is the case in your transaction, Nochex will usually display a message to say: “We were unable to complete the transaction”.

In some cases you will also receive a text message or phone call from your bank checking that it is you attempting to make the purchase, It will often ask whether you want to continue.

Once you confirm with them that it is you, and that you want to continue, you should be able to go back to the payment page and complete the transaction as normal.

Details check

If you’ve moved house or changed phone number recently, it’s also possible that your bank hasn’t updated its records and is declining the transaction because of that. In this scenario, you may need to contact your bank to find out why they didn’t authorise the payment.

To do: Respond to any messages from your bank. If there are none, contact them and check that they have the right details for you.

Next Steps

Next steps

  • Have you checked that your card is valid, and that all the details are entered correctly?
  • Have you checked that all your personal details such as address and phone number are correct with the bank?
  • Have you copied and pasted the link above (or the one in your email) into a browser rather than just clicking?

If you’ve done all of the above and you’re still having problems, please email us on [email protected] and answer the following:

  • When did you try to make the payment?
  • Were you using a mobile device or a desktop computer/mac?
  • What error messages (if any) did you receive?
  • Were you using a debit card to make the payment, or a credit card?
  • Was the card Visa, Mastercard, or something else?
  • Which bank issued the card?

Once we receive your email, we’ll get in touch with our payment provider and get back to you as soon as possible.