Male Escorting first of all

The demonstration of the male people completing parts of an escort could have alluded as Male Escorting. One thing potential escorts need to acknowledge is: it is basic to rehearse in your area for a long time before growing your points of view. Thriving shots are best acquired when you are in a recognizable domain. … Read more

Visiting Scotland with male escorts Scotland

I travel an extraordinary arrangement, and something I do when I fly out is to find male escorts. When I hung out with male escorts Scotland, I knew I would undoubtedly require a more prominent measure of their association. There is a striking qualification between other male escorts and male escorts Scotland. If you are … Read more

I am a proud Black Male Escort, learn from my story

In times past, some of the blacks who happened to serve as escorts were treated more like slaves. They happened to be treated as servants and only served the role of an escorts most likely on outings, public functions, and the likes. In my case, I had for a while, developed an interest in working … Read more

Your worldview changes when you become a male escort

It is easy to become a male escort, but the experience changes you forever. Some of the habits you thought were impossible to change go away with ease. I would use myself as a case study here and share some of my experiences to let you understand what I mean. Growing up I gave lots … Read more

Male Escorting for starters

One thing potential escorts need to realize is: it is essential to practice in your locality for quite a while before expanding your horizons. It is a known fact that thriving chances are best obtained when you are in a familiar environment. Now, this applies to all jobs; Male Escorting inclusive. The reason for this … Read more

Gay male escorts always stand out for me

I am one of those girls that began to hire the company of escorts from a tender age. I had rich parents, and they always had me locked up in the house. This meant that I didn’t have many friends besides my classmates – boys and girls alike. Personally, I didn’t like the idea of … Read more

What it takes to become a male escort and remain there

When I was younger, I admired male escorts because I had the impression that it was easy to become a male escort. “They have the coolest jobs in the world,” I used to think until I actually made a move to become one. Many years have gone, but my perception remains true. It is actually … Read more

My experiences with men for hire

It hasn’t been long I joined men for hire but the experience is exhilarating, and I often wish I had joined a long time ago. In this industry, you are expected to provide companionship to women (and sometimes men) who are desperately in need of someone to talk. Well, we are not an exception. Before … Read more